Hi! Glen/ James,
I think you hijacked James' statement and tried to turn your self into some sort
of victim. He was not as you suggesting you should feel threatened in the manner
you practice, that which you do.

James was taking about Field Broadcasters, which, by there very nature, are
designed (if that is the term) and sited, using dowsing. They are also operated
using dowsing, as dowsing allows a quick and reliable way of accessing
information, which come from we know not where. Some need to climb a mountain and
talk to a burning bush, some talk to the little people, but some of us choose to
use a pendulum. While one can undoubtable wait for devine revelation, if playing
with a few acres in one situation, but if one is working with many properties, as
Hugh and James are, there is a need to get accurate answers, quickly.

In my BioRegion, there are five and a half thousand farmers, each cropping two and
a half to four thousand acres per man, as well as running stock. If we are to help
some of them, we need the certainty and accuracy that dowsing affords.


Glen Atkinson wrote:

> James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
> >
> > How any body can use a field broadcaster without dowsing skills is beyond my
> > comprehension
> > Sincere regards
> > James.
> Through conscious observation and understanding.
> Nothing personal James but as a good example this statement could also
> be "How can any body use Biodynamics without dowsing skills is beyond my
> comphrehension"

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