Title: Re: Frank Moody
Liz wrote:
For any who may turn their noses up or away to those perusing this in the
academic field, please try and understand, we do want to get it out there,
and if that means to prove in scientific methods, we must find a way.
Our aim is the same, only that we are trying to move it from our backyard
into everyone's back yard.

Liz please help me see that there is hope that this can be accomplished through the route you dream of. I would love to see you offer Goethian proof that BD preps can survive the intense force fields (Dor) created by academia. The impact real & can be measure.

Please do not consider me rude or dissing your dream.
To my understanding there is an insurmountable problem in combining the different realities.

(please Note I made my living as a scientist mid 60's to early 80"s)
As I can best get a handle on it today's academia (the split from Vitalism really was finalized post atomic bomb) is based on the concept that: One presents a theorem (use your intuition) and then devise science to "prove" it. Vitalist thought say's you observe Nature's Science and the use your intuition to bring it into Life & Livingness. These two approaches are unreconcilable by counting bugs & saying "see".

Thank you for writing these clear words.
Wayne it is not only greed, but understanding where the link with the land
died, and that seems to stem (with no surprises) from Christianity, and
Judaism.  This thinking also ran parallel with classical thinking of Rome
and Greece. In the thinking that we are superior, the earth is here for
humans, that which we have domain over.  It is this thinking that seems to
have led to greed, as opposed to a self-sustaining way of thinking.  Other
religions hold themselves as a small part of the whole, inclusion in the web
of life, not superior to.

In Love & Light

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