Hi Chris,
thanks for the memory jog! Seems like our Markess was the only one who
expressed concern for tying up the resources of the tree so I guess I'll
have to ask him  why he thinks that?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Shade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)


I was figuring on the void being the universal source,
but am not really sure of what terminology to use at
this point.  I know that it fells like the heavy
energy sinks (feminine) and the light energy rises
(masculine) and in the middle something new is
generated (son/product) so I guess it is a life ether
type of thing.

As far as tree as broadcaster, the thread was called
"Tree as Cosmic Pipe" and was around July.  You
yourself had a few postings.  I copied a few to jog
your memory.


>First orient the tree. Say: ''In accordance with
>God's will and the
>Jesus let this tree have its proper orientation in
>the ground for it's
possible future growth"  Place the vials as such:
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++500 in ground
+++++++++++++++west 501 up in tree++++++++++east 508
in ground
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++barrel compost, in ground
The tree has an energy field that inhales and exhales
in a daily rhythm
does the earth.  The preparations placed in this
energy field are
similarly to the cosmic pipe, but in the living realm
and must be
with real stirring and spraying.  I ask my trees to do
a sequential
for rain the week of every full moon during the
growing season, it
works like
a charm as long as I commune with the tree's spirit.

Thanks for getting this thread going Christy! And to
all who are
contributing much 'preparation' for thought...


----- Original Message -----
From: "The Korrows" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 2:57 PM
Subject: Tree as cosmic pipe

am thinking the preps were buried with each one in a

In light of the discussion this past week, I wonder
how some
preps might work more effectively for this type of
work. I know this is
general description. Hope this helps.Christy

Markess writes,

<<"can they (the trees) get all their other work done
if the are tied up doing pipe work?">>

Christy writes:
I have just finished reading some talks by Manfred
Klett about the preps. He makes the point that we, as
human beings making preparations are taking substances
as they naturally occur in nature, and combining them
to bring them to a higher state of evolutionary
capability. We create a seed or germinal substance.

Steiner talked about domesticated animals. He said
that as we properly care for them, we are allowing
them to fullfill what and who they are in their
evolutionary process.Some of those against keeping
farm animals would disagree. They might think the
animals are enslaved to humanity. ( of course we are
not talking about factory farming here, but instead a
biodynamic ideal.)It is a gift from the human being to
the animal when the animal has this opportunity to
serve. The animal also receives love in return for
what it is offering.

To use a tree as a tool to emminate the preparations,
I can't see where this would make a tree tired. If the
person involved has a loving attitude, and is working
for the betterment of all life, the tree will be
lifted up, as Manfred Klett talked about, to a higher
stage in its evolutionary process. This is something
that would not have come into existance with out the
human activity.I do not talk to trees, so I can not
speak for a tree nessecarily! But I do know that
nature spirits want to work with us in a co creative

I don't feel a tree has a finite amount of energy, I
imagine it has a constant life force pouring out,
regardless of what is burried around it. If the preps
are buried around the tree, the life force pours out
of the tree, and sweeps along with it what ever is in
its path, on out into the atmosphere and the soil. The
tree does not have to generate more life force to
broadcast the preps. It all happens naturally. If
anything, the energy of the preps surrounding the tree
would increase the life force of the tree, thus
creating a mutual magnification of positive prep

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