In a message dated 3/17/02 2:12:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< SStorch wrote:

"What is being found out by looking at the biological assays of the bd

remedies and the compost they make is that these things are the precursors

for life in the soil.  They contain all of the organisms to initiate the

prosesses that will unlock all the nutrients and minerals in the soil


biological activity."

Question:  Have you done biological assays of composted remedy herbs and cow

manure without them having been treated the BD way (such as the "Quick

Return Method" of composting) compared to being treated the BD way?  It

would be interesting to see if the BD preparation of the herbs and manure

has a specific influence on the biological diversity, or whether these

treatments facilitate the "esoteric energy" aspect of the remedies (excuse

the layman terminology).

No we have not yet done this, it seems a waste of time, why do something 
second rate when you may go first class...leave that to the nay-sayers.

Question:  Does anybody have references to peer-reviewed scientific academic

literature which shows that microbes unlock "locked" minerals and nutrients?

I have been talking to conventional agronomists who will not believe that

this is possible.....  Usual story.....
Let them look at 15-20 year bd treated soils and then let them explain how 
these things are possible to accomplich on commercially farmed soils.

"1500 gallon tea brewer is filling and will be run in a few hours.  I have

designed an ''upwelling tube'' "

Question:  Is this the same as the tubes common with fish tank filters,

through which the air bubbles, thereby circulating the water?

Yes, it is just on a larger scale, 2-4 inch diameter tubes and 120 liter per 
minute -250 lpm bubblers.

Question:  Has anybody tried using flowforms for making compost tea, is per

the New Zealand method of "stirring" the BD remedies?  Strikes me that,

given the negative effects of the pump, that the flow forms would provide

all the oxygen needed, as well as adding their energy through the vortices.
Yes we are doing that in addition to using the stirring machine to imprint 
the atomic structures of the funal filaments and microbes upon the water.


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