
First remember that you make a difference by being there. You are at the 
front edge of the paradigm shift. Of course there will be resistance. It 
will be a little easier each time that someone makes a decision to step 
out of the pack and follow their heart.

The folks you're working with have a certain kind of knowledge, you are 
listening with your heart which gives you access to a whole other kind 
of knowledge.  Science has not been and will not be the end all. It's 
not the totality of the equation.

You have seen first hand the effects of the chemicals on your neighbors. 
This is the knowledge that you carry to the meetings. You are in the 
middle of a learning curve with the science stuff and it's stressful. 
But it will eventually make sense and you will make a difference by 
doing the work you are.

Allow your home refuge to refresh and renew you.  All you need is there. 
Then you can go out from that stable point and work with other people on 
other fronts.


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