>                    Just because you got no response does not necessarily
>mean it was a waste of time - the digestive process in some of us is a bit
>slow sometimes.

I'd have to disagree. If our efforts are not igniting sparks strong 
enough to return a little energy, I think our efforts are best put to 
other uses. I don't mind playing Prometheus for you folks, but I'm 
starting to feel like I'm co-dependent with harpies sometimes.

For your deeper homeopathic under standings, read the writings of 
Hahnemann, the final edition of the Organon being a great place o 
start. I love this version: 

The is also a homeopathic pharmacopia (?) that provides recipes for 
most remedies and gives the principles behind potentizing most things.

Ironically, here in the US, a homeopathic pharmacy cannot potentize a 
substance for me without a doctor's prescription (!)

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