If someone is going to post Kolisko on the web, maybe they would consider
putting it on Steve Solomon's Soil and Health Library -

This has an excellent full-length collection of classic agricultural
tracts, from Cato through Albert Howard, Eve Balfour and Koepf to William
Albrecht, all available for download. (Masaonbu Fukuoka is there, too, but
only a taste). If spreading the BD word is a priority, then it would seem
sensible to make Kolisko available to all on a public site.

(That said, the web is no replacement for some old, battered book with
someone else's notes in the margin ...)


On 10/08/2002 at 8:57 PM Allan Balliett wrote:

>>Allan: Sorry mate I thought it was an advertisement for your conference.
>>Agriculture of Tomorrow is obviously a book relevant to where some BD
>>practitioners are heading, does anyone know who we can approach to have
>>David C
>David - Do you need to 'own it,' or would you like to discuss it? If 
>there are people interested in discussing it, I don't mind posting 
>exerpts of it to the list. No point, though, if no one is interested.


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