In a message dated 8/28/02 6:30:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Just the same, I'm very, very, VERY interested in hearing from you 
what a person could be doing wrong in SEED BED PREPARATION, PLANTING, 
SOWING, or CULTIVATION that would promote fungal diseases. >>

Well, for instance we had a gorgeous patch of earth and over the fall and 
winter we had turnips and rudabegahs there.  I ate as many as I could and I 
picked the remainder for the cows.  By Winter's end I had stuff the size of 
soccer balls.  The soil has classic bd crumb structure, earthworm every three 
to four inches, and you could see the fungal filaments in the soil.  I 
thought wow, what a great field for squash or pumpkins this summer.  Sure 
enough pumpkins go in.  Planted way to dense. Plants come up and look great, 
fruit set is incredible. Weather turns nasty hot, dry then rains, turns humid 
and they get wailed with downy.  So now we have three acres of soccerball 
size pumpkins in August and no vines with leaves left.  What a lost opp

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