----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Pye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 8:54 AM
Subject: Field Broadcaster

> Lloyd,
> Do you know where I might be able to borrow a field broadcaster for the
> Landcare tree planting project at Dalgety (the one that made me ill)?
> Rabbits are ripping the hell out of it and if we don't do something
> about them the authorities will come in with calicivirus. I don't want
> that to happen, specially as we seem to be turning the soil condition
> around now (using BD500 and a herbal antacid spray).
> We could align the experience with the BD trials at the Dalgety
> Travelling Stock Route, do before-and-after digital photoshoots like I'm
> doing there, and use it all for promotion purposes. Incidentally, I'm
> planning a Field Day at the TSR for 12 October with Hamish Mackay doing
> the fifth spray since February of BD500 and manure concentrate on the 20
> hectare BD plot.
> roger
Hi Roger
               Would that field day date be too late? I had planned to be in
Canberra that weekend for a muzzle loader shoot anyhow and also have some
broadcaster bits for Lezlie. I am in the process of pulling up my
broadcasters for checking and refurbishment and could loan one of those to
the project. Dont think I could get this done much before that date though.
We would also need a good rabbit pepper that we know works - I dont have
one - not much trouble with bunnies. Brigid Grote or Graham Cranney most
likely do have peppers but closer to home is probably better - any thoughts?
Let me know soon if this would be suitable as I had better get onto it.
Lloyd Charles

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