Don -

We've run pieces on BD Now! about the Matrix earlier. Put simply, it 
is essentially a coherent PR program that markets EVERYTHING to the 
American people. Management people by their nature have an innate 
sense of what the PR machine promotes and what it denies. That in 
itself is usually enough to 'keep the vision consistent.' Sometimes, 
though, a young reporter will post a story that gets out. It only 
gets out once, though. Management kills the follow-up or expansion.

Like the story I heard on NPR one morning on the epidemic of e-coli 
contamination of meat in Japan. Or the one on how the Mormon Church 
owns 90 percent of the mass media in North America, and so on.

Totalitarian? Business as Usual? Who knows, eh?

>Allan, I rather doubt that there is an active system of news suppression in
>the US. I think its more a question of editorial sensitivity as to what
>their readers and listeners want to hear.
>For example, about six months back Noam Chomsky gave a lecture in Islamabad,
>attended by some two-thousand Pakistanian intelligensia, In which he was
>extremely critical of American foreign policy. There was a quite detailed
>report on it carried on the news services at the time, but categorized as an
>'op Ed.' To my knowledge none of the major American networks picked up on
>the story, so that as far as the US public was concerned it might just as
>well not have happened.

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