Hi all,

I want very much to come to the Mid-Atlantic BD Conference, but finances
for flying to the East Coast are non-existent.  I have one good chance
and that is River Gallery in Chattanooga.  The owner, Mary Portera, is a
mentor and likes my work, but she wants to see the pieces before she
buys them.  I am working on making one-of-a-kind frogs and turtles now
and hope that I can dry them, handpaint the glaze on each one and
successfully fire them.  I could bring them with me to the conference
and then take them to Chattanooga for her to buy.  Time is short and I
have commitments here that will take my time and energy.  I am on the
planning committee for a Quaker Quarterly Meeting which happens the
weekend before the Mid-Atlantic Conference.  I don't know how many frogs
and turtles I can finish.

Is there anyone who could give or loan some money for my airfare
roundtrip Spokane-Dulles-Spokane?  I can pay for the ticket with money
that is earmarked to pay part of our October bills, but I need to pay
the bills when I get home.  I could repay you over several months time.

Is there anyone who lives near Chattanooga who could take me as far as
your house on the way home from the Mid-Atlantic conference?  I can get
the rest of the way and then return to Dulles by Greyhound Bus.

Thanks for any help you can give,

Merla Barberie

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