Hi! Merla,
I wish I could help but am not in a position to do so.

As a one time potter and a one time gallery owner, packing pottery is easy with lots of newspaper.

Wrap each piece in at least six layers of paper, hold in place with two inch packaging tape. Then pack is strong cardboard cartons, with scrunched up paper packing between. It is important to fill each box so things can't move. (Using more scrunched paper). Then tape the carton firmly closed and do not trust the bottom, tape that also.


Merla Barberie wrote:

How many frogs/turtles for $250...sstorch

Hi S,

Do I remember correctly that you are Steve?  Thanks for answering my request.  I feel an urgency to come to the Mid-Atlantic Conference.  It is a trip long deferred and an opportunity to meet you and many BD workers who have given my day-to-day existence a lot more meaning.

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