
Being a Canadian, we look at American's with our own cultural bias.  While
we like to think that we are different then you (better, wiser, and nicer),
we are more alike then not.  Most Canadians will not admit this, but I have
no problem seeing our similarities.   Goodness is everywhere in the common
folks.  Both our governments are giving way to industries, that have the
similar motivations and  ways to control our thoughts (Although your CNN
seems to be a quite the military/patriotic brainwash... unbelievable for

As far as I'm concern Americans protesting against their own government is
not an 'Anti-American' thing, but totally and fully a American !   In every
war Americans have protested their government.  Protesting the government is
healthy and a patriotic things to do!   What's not healthy is following
blindly a 'petroleum trigger happy military head of state', and believing
everything his propaganda buddies say (e.g. CNN).

As far as I'm concern the fact that Americans protest their government saves
the face of Americans.  Gosh... If no one would take to the streets and
voice their discontent, what reasons would I have to like America?  Just

Hey, while your at it, tell your government to ratify Kyoto and stop taxing
the softwood lumber imports.  he he he

That's just my opinion and I could be wrong...

Your northern neighbor,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Will Winter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: October 27, 2002 8:25 PM
Subject: Loss and Rebirth

> Thanks Susan
> As a fellow Minnesotan I fully agree with what you say about the deep
> sadness permeating our state regarding the loss of the Wellstones. I sit
> here still in mixed grief and continued disbelief.
> Lost and confused what to do, my wife Rebekah and I attended the Peace
> yesterday along with 10,000 others. Our hearts swelled when  we heard
> were 200,000 others rallying for peace in D.C. Our event  flooded into an
> emotional  memorial to the great national loss of Senator Wellstone and
> family.
> Just as important, though, we noticed that something fresh is being reborn
> inside us and inside others. For the FIRST TIME since the reign of the
> current administration we are beginning to feel we can find our voices
> to PROTEST governmental policies and NOT have to whither under the remarks
> by some that we are "anti-American".   We now remember that we can
> vehemently express our opposition to certain policies such as the
> Agricultural policies or even a preemptive first strike and NOT have to
> any guff about being anti-American. Again, we are NOT being anti-American
> when we speak out.
> For the first time in decades I can and do say "I love America" but I will
> also stand up and fight against some of her policies.
> Awake in Minnesota,
> Will Winter

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