I for one have not been sitting on my hands for well over 20 years. Today I
filmed fall colors & marked the spots around the tripod legs so I could
shoot the same scene in winter spring & summer (one year pre planning) all
for just a 30 sec ending scene, one fading into another, along with ladybugs
bedding down for the winter in a shagbark hickory. Next week I'll be filming
a GMO debate to get the pro side sticking their feet in their mouths as they
have done every time that I've seen them talk, for use on some future
I've been threatened and harassed by the police for my "Mooreian" approach,
run a CSA, hold workshops, speak at every local event that's pro organic or
anti crud-agriculture, am president of a non-profit in which the gov's
office says that we are the only people doing organic education in the

So I don't want to see Think LOKI or anything else. Thinking and talk is
fine, What other people have done is fine, you want to compare me with Al
Gore fine, but if your not going to do anything, then my pessimism is more
than well founded, besides it wasn't pessimism, it was a prod to see if
you'd gone any further than the concept and you still haven't shone me that
you have. If you want to talk about doing a project, then cut the BS and
lets talk about the project. Do you have any film making experience at all?
I know it's not easy and I am doing it.

> Dear Chris
> I think we need ALL KINDS of film, lecture, photography, book and workshop
> protests to the status quo.  I am sure you three documentaries will be a
> part of the paradigm shift. This MM stuff is a whole 'nother deal. Think
> DIONYSOS.  Think LOKI.   Think HEYOKA. Think BACCHUS.  Think COYOTE.
> > Working against stupidity has been very taxing on me physically & these
> > three projects are going to be positive with a dose of reality.
> The American public (our target audience) hates Al Gore. He is "positive
> with a dose of  reality". The Average Joe equates this with a GLUM sermon
> from your dad or an embalmed Lutheran minister. The Democrats just proved
> you can't get votes by telling people how badly managed things are now.
> > create a 90 min piece on agriculture would take a tremendous amount of
> > not to mention the $. I don't want to sound pessimistic, I just want to
> > point out the "film making" side of the project.
> Still sounds pessimistic, sorry.. If it was easy, everyone would be doing
> it.
> > I'd be game but I'd have to see a certain amount of seriousness and of
> > course there is the money and it aint cheap.
> How about a certain amount of foolishness? How about Noah?
> Will

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