Hi Michael and all:
Im not underestimating multis at home. Sales of pesticides were around US 2 bi
in Brasil in y 2000. Their presure in salling gmos are huge, many farmers have
heard the mermaid singing. Some say that soybean production in the southernmost
state, Rio Grande do Sul, is almost 50% gmos which its not possible, but in all
case when gmo plantations are found they are burned to the ground. There isnt 
gmo seed production, they are smugled from Argentina though the farmers werent 
lucky because the plants (mostly soybeans) arent adapted to the southern 
latitudes and suffered. (They were looking for profits on seed production.)
However consumers organization managed to halt the gmo salling and actually 
many states are producing their own legislation with moratoria and prohibition. 
(I saw the consumers page and there arent informations translated
http://www.idec.org.br/paginas/inicial_2.asp, sorry)
But you know its a looong and continuous job.

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