Dear Lloyd,
At no point in my Email did I infer that you should throw away your
Refractometer or pH meter. Even although I dowse, to me figures or readings
from an instrument are equally fascinating.
That is why at this time I am trying to make radionic instruments with very
sensitive microvolt meters built into them to satisfy myself that I am
getting the action from radionic instruments that I think that I am
getting.. Rationalised testing of  what I am doing has always been an aim of
mine. To me it is not a case of working with blind faith.
One of the great experiments carried out by George Delawarr was to
radionically broadcast to a particular plant and measure the results on an
EEG machine. It seems to me that there is a need for an accurate method of
testing any radionic instrument to ensure that it is working as claimed.
Particularly in the light of a particular article written by Peter
Rheumkoffon the use of magnets in radionic instruments. It seems that only
25%of the magnets that were tested by him when he was part of the School of
Physics at Sydney University. Quite a large numberof Rae Instruments were
claimed to be defective because of the flaws in the magnets..
When we can work out a measuring method for any radionic instrument we will
be able to fine tune the instruments.Just imagine being able to test the
effect of different windings in a field broadcaster, or to be able to
measure what the effect of the preps is from field broadcasters.
If we can measure the field we can refine our techniques. I have a replica
of a Ruth Drown  instrument which if you rub your hands together to create
static electricity and put them on the antennae plate you will get a reading
in excess of 500 microvolts on the broadcast plate.
What we are using with radionics is measurable. It does fit into the realm
of EMF regardless of Hugh,s comments that his field broadcaster is not
working in this realm.
I know that the idea of being able to measure the intensity of the field
from a field broadcaster is certain to raise the ire of some who would put
radionics into some mystical, magical field.
If what we are observing in a radionic instrument is a form of radio it must
be able to be measured. You can probably put dowsing into the realm of radio
as well. Have you ever tried dowsing with your radionic instrument instead
of a pendulum?
We dont need to wait to have an after dinner discussion about the use of
radionics to make rain. If it is possible for Hugh to break the drought over
eastern Australia I am sure that there would be many more people would pay
far larger amonts of money than proposed by Hugh for successful completion
of an atmospheric regeneration assignment.
Kind regards

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