----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: Perfect Orchard

> Hi Merla
> Confusing stuff, can any one explain the difference in the calcium
> :
> Lime,
In America this seems to be a generic term with variable meaning so lets
divide it up into  :: High calcium lime which is Calcium Carbonate - this is
mined and crushed from the type of rock where you find underground Limestone
        :: Dolomitic Lime (or dolomite) which is a mixture of Calcium
Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate

> Calcium
Refers to the metallic or elemental form - look in a dictionary or
scientific text

> Prilled calcium
Used to describe a re granulated form of high calcium lime - its treated
this way to make it easier to spread .

> Gypsum,
Calcium Sulfate - often refered to as 'clay breaker' in the store or garden
shop - mined from soft underground deposits in dry inland areas where old
lakebeds were - or obtained as a by product of concentrated phosphate
fertiliser manufacture - this form will likely have some heavy metal
contamination concentrated from the original source material (cadmium,
lead,) . Gypsum is the white stuff they make wallboard for your house. When
we use high rates of gypsum we are supplying a massive overdose of sulfate
sulfur .

> I'm sure there is many more that I don't understand it's function , and
> are this Organic and accepted for DB farming ??
Your organic certifier will have a list of accepted input materials

L Charles

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