>Hi Hugh,
>    Hope you enjoy Hawaii, it's on my must visit list. I'm the gal doing
>everything, so it's me that everything is sent to. Next week I was sending out
>the directions to the location for the conference, but if you want them
>no problem.
>     You might want to get here Friday afternoon January 24th.The setup for
>booths needs to be done by 7:50 am Saturday.The community center will be open
>5:30 am, facilitating setup. Hot drinks and morning munchies will be available
>at no cost for conference participants. The tables being used will all be
>set up
>Friday night, making life easier for folks with booths. I can send you a
>list of
>local motels or can find a friend for you to stay with.
>Have an outstanding day,
>     I do need a short bio, will take care of everything else though.


How is this?

Hugh Lovel, 55, started farming organically 27 years ago. There were no
organic research programs near him so he set his farm up as an experiment
station. Soon he was researching biodynamic methods. With a background in
physics, chemistry and microbiology, to say nothing of philosophy, religion
and psychology, he has many interesting stories and insights to share,
including insights concerning why droughts occur and how to remedy them. He
claims not to have used his irrigation in the past 8 years, 5 or which were
drought years in his area.
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