Thanks Allan. That's the one. I was away from Aurora on the 22nd so missed
your post.
Blessings, B
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.

-----Original Message-----
From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 02, 2003 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: Three Kings Prep

>>Hi Allan:
>>Barbara writing here. No it is not appropriate to use the Three Kings at
>>other time of the year. Allan could you possibly post the portion of the
>>newsletter  (Fall 2001) that talks about what is necessary to have sprayed
>>biodynamically before applying the Three Kings Spray. It is very important
>>that one has brought the land to a certain place before applying the Three
>>Kings "lest we betray the nature spirits again." This is the part of the
>>newsletter re the Three Kings that would be good to see in print on the
>>list. Thanks.
>>Aurora Farm. th
>Barbara - I posted that information here on the 22nd. Here it is
>again (If you literally mean an article from Applied Biodynamics,
>that's something that, thanks to our recent move, I do not have
>access to right now.):
> From JPI:
><This info from the Three Kings Prep kit as provided by JPI. This is
>scanned from colored paper and passed on unproofread. Please make the
>most of the information here. It's not to late to order this prep!!
>As we say here at ther ranch: GET IT ON!!!-AB)
>The Three Kings Preparation
>Please be aware - In light of the events in the world today, it is
>increasingly important that more and more people must consciously
>take up the use of the Three Kings Preparation and thereby express a
>willingness to work with the elemental kingdom, whether we have a
>direct awareness of them or not. Humanity has so frequently ignored
>and betrayed the elemental beings by our desecration of nature. The
>mere fact that these beings are invisible to the majority of human
>beings does not mean they do not exist, and the sooner we take some
>sort of positive action that provides a message to them that we wish
>to work with them, the sooner we can counter much of the chaos so
>apparent in the world. No other action on our part can send this
>message to the elemental kingdom quite as well as our use of the
>Three Kings Preparation. There is one quite fundamental warning that
>must be issued to, those who would take up the use of this
>preparation: under no circumstances should one use the Three Kings
>Preparation unless one has first used all nine of the biodynamic
>preparations on the area to -be treated. This is a necessity because
>' the nine biodynamic preparations serve to balance as well as to
>ground and enhance the existing forces, thereby establishing a
>foundation for the elemental kingdom to build upon. Bear in mind that
>the biodynamic preparations need to be regarded as forces, not
>substances. To apply only the Three Kings Preparation is the
>equivalent of placing a fence around livestock, thereby, securing
>them from predators, but failing to ensure that the pasture or hay
>supply is adequate in the area where they are enclosed. That is why
>it is of utmost importance that one should make an additional
>commitment to continue to use, in a diligent manner, Steiner's nine
>basic biodynamic preparations on the area treated with the Three
>Kings Preparation. When using the Three Kings Preparation, you are in
>essence sending a message to the elemental kingdom that here within a
>"'magic circle", they will be provided a safe haven as well as the
>profound spiritual nourishment of the biodynamic preparations.
>However, failure to provide that nourishment both before and after
>using the Three King's Preparation is tantamount to another betrayal
>of the elemental world by humanity. We need not betray them again.
>How It is Made and Applied
>December 31st - At New Year's Eve beginning at 11:30 p.m., using a
>porcelain mortar and pestle, grind together 0.175 ozs./5 gms. of
>Aurum metallicum D2, 0.175 ozs./5 gms. of Frankincense and 0.175
>ozs./5 gms. of Myrrh gum resin for one hour. To this powder add 0.29
>ozs./5 gms of rainwater and 0.29 ozs./5 gms. of vegetable glycerin
>and thoroughly mix for an additional five minutes. This emulsion can
>be used immediately after preparation, but it also remains effective
>for years if stored in an airtight, non-metallic container in a cool,
>dry and dark area.
>January 6th Three Kings Day also known as Epiphany - Add
>approximately I teaspoon of the Three Kings Preparation (dissolve
>this in a small portion of 140' F water before adding to the larger
>quantity of water, otherwise it will remain a stiff paste) to
>approximately 2 gallons plus 2 cups of warm rainwater, or sun soaked
>pond water. Stir for one hour starting at 1:30 p.m. using a
>non-metallic container, with a wooden keg or bucket being the first
>choice as a stirring vessel. The method of stirring is the same as is
>used for the horn manure or horn silica preparations, that is, stir
>in the usual biodynamic fashion. It is particularly important in the
>case of the Three Kings Preparation that the person stirring be fully
>conscious of and focused on the purpose to be accomplished through
>use of this preparation.
>After stirring, it is to be sprayed out in the etheric-cosmic
>inbreathing phase of the late afternoon around 4:00 p.m. The person
>spraying walks around the perimeter of the area to be protected and
>stops about every 55 yards (+/-) to spray once in the direction of
>the neighboring fields, that is, aim the spray away from the center
>of the property to be protected. It takes about 1/2 gallon (+/-) to
>cover 3,280 feet of boundary or the perimeter of 16 acres. (Please
>note: the perimeter of one acre is 835 feet +/-). In a certain sense,
>one is forming a magic circle of protection around a particular area.
>Supply Information
>The ingredients to make the Three Kings Preparation are available
>through JPI. The quantity supplied by JPI covers a large area!
>upwards of 90 contiguous acres of boundary. The cost is $20.00 plus
>shipping and handling. To order, call (276) 930-2463, fax: (276)
>930-2475 or write: JPI, P. 0. Box 133, Woolwine, VA 24185. While four
>of the ingredients can be found from sources other than JPI, aurum D2
>cannot generally be dispensed without a prescription, and is
>available only in small quantities through jPI. Please note that
>while frankincense and myrrh can be obtained through health food and
>herb shops, check with the supplier to ensure that these ingredients
>are irradiation free.

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