Can anyone direct me to some good sites on dowsing? Also, another list, the topic came up of the art of dowsing for foal and calf sex on the cow or mare. Is this widely done, and can anyone explain how? I did a pendulum dowsing about 2 months before my first foal was due. I had 2 mares I wasn't even sure were pregnant yet the string 'told' me they'd have filly foals. The first one would have a stud colt. They all came out the sex as predicted. But, I hesitate to talk much about this to the horse group until I can present it in a fairly intelligent way. In other words, it works, but I don't know why!

Midwives and wise women were telling the sex of unborn human babies with pendulums for centuries before electronic scanners came into existence. Nor need the pendulum be sophisticated - folklore tells us that the pendulum usually consisted of a wedding ring on a hair of the person's head. At one time it was common knowledge that a pendulum held over the head of a female would spin anti-clockwise whilst over the head of a male it would spin clockwise. Unfortunately most of the world has lost that knowledge, blinded by the apparent (but mythical) omniscience of scientific methods.

Type 'dowsing' into any search engine and it will come up with dozens of sites you can surf at will. However, the easiest way to learn about dowsing is to just do it. All you need is two lengths of fencing wire, bend one end of each at right angles about four inches from the end to form a handle. Hold the handles in your hands as though they were sixguns, but loosely so they can pivot freely. Go for a walk across a paddock or your garden with them held horizontal with the ground pointing ahead of you. Then come back and tell us what happened and what you learned from it.


Reiki & Earth Healing, Natural Energy Dowsing
PO Box 2057 Queanbeyan NSW 2620 Australia
Ph: +61 2 6255 3824
Fax: +61 2 6255 1028
Mob: +61 410 469 541

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