I don't mean to discourage anyone. Let's keep building awareness, and
rejection of the vogue agendas such as Monsanto's. But quite frankly I see
little salvation in this alone. What will help us most is if things get a
LOT worse. SNIP Like I said, things may have to get a LOT worse before they will get significantly better.
I totally agree with your, Hugh, with the exception that in this particular case they are playing with the very basis of our civalization: our basic cultivars and in such a way that there may be no returning to the plants we have now. Seeing the SUPER WEED Canola in Schmeiser's slides makes it pretty clear to me that even if things get bad enough to stop Monsanto, there may never be an opportunity to grow food plants en masse that contain the same DNA that our ancestors co-evolved with. Sally Fallon has commented extensively on how difficult it is for our bodies to actually thrive when estranged from our traditional food.

I realize how futile the effort is at this point, Hugh.

Thank for your good post. -Allan

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