         If what you say above is really the case (I dont think so), then we
are running a dangerous game taking any notice of what is said now! I dont
really think Elaine's BASIC message will change that much over time, maybe
fine tuning changes to brewing tactics, and maybe some greater acceptance of
energetics will creep in over time, better application of the technology if
you like, but the basic biology message behind Soilfoodweb is sound - thats
not going to change much?
So, Lloyd - You monitor Elaine's work. I ask you, given changes in brewers (as recently as last year pumping water was held on par with pumping air as a means of aeration), food for brews have changed substantially and there is the e-coli concerns.

Does this mean anything to you? This is not static work. It is not only work that is being refined but it is also work in which, perhaps, problems have been detected and corrections offered. (e-coli) this is an evolving work. How does one know how to evaluate a piece of archival data if they are operating in a vacuum. (Reading the archive without working with the BD Now! group)

Why avoid the living organization? I really don't understand.

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