When I started the Westchester County drop off site for Roxbury Farms two
seasons ago, only ONE member in 25 knew what a csa was and was relieved to
know about us. She is the one who has now taken over the drop off site for
the farm, instead of our garage.

For those who don't know where Westchester is, it is ONLY 40 minutes north
of NYC. May as well be white bread country somewhere in the middle of the
US. (Apologies to all those non white bread folks in the middle there!)

But I do agree, that more and more people are learning what a csa is,
although, as Allan says, it is somewhat divorced from the original economic
impulse. Also, I think it is more direct learning than Morphogenetic fields,
hundredth monkey learning.

You eat good food, you want more.


> From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 12:40:13 -0500
> Subject: Re: csa names
> They didn't say they were lookign for vegetables
> and saw an article about CSA and decided to buy vegetables. all the
> ones I talked to had already internalized some definition of 'CSA'
> and had either been in one or wanted to join one.

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