According to a motoring programme on TV here, one can use used vegetable
oil, strained of course, to run diesel cars without any alterations to the
engine. You just need to add 3 % non kerosene based white spirit
(turpentine), and let it sit for one week before using it. McDonalds and Co.
should have some spare, I am not sure what they do with it ?
has anyone else heard, or done this ??
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Myren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 1:24 PM
Subject: Biodiesel

> The best book I know of on this subject is from The Fryer To The Fuel
> Tank by Joshua Tickle. The most efficient producer of oil that could be
> used as biodiesel is actually Algae. It takes the Suns energy directly
> and converts it to oil (in the process eating carbon dioxide) and it
> could easily supply the worlds energy needs. As many other things
> could...
> The main reason it has not expanded in North America as quickly as
> Europe is that it is not enjoying the same corporate welfare the big
> oil and gas corporations get.
> If you want more information on growing crops for its production or any
> thing to do with it just google it there is loads of information out
> there.
> peace
> Eric

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