Ross McDonald wrote:

As a new convert to to the BD practice can anyone advise if steam is used and method of application in managing weeds in the vineyard. We are primarily using a modified cutoff plough and then reforming the soil beneath the vines - I dont like doing this as the soil is turned over too often and the feeder roots of the vines must suffer. we are also using mulch under the vines but the noxious weeds are still about.

any comments? Ross McDonald

Leichardt Council in Sydney use steam in controlling roadside weeds. 18 months ago the contractor offered to send a tanker and prime mover up to Goulburn to a project I was working on to give a demo but nothing came of it. I can find out some contact details if you like. Whereabouts are you, Ross?

If you are using a hay-type mulch 50-75mm thick that should cut the weeds down a bit. What sort of weeds have you got?




May I have given you seeds,

that you can turn into roots,

that will bear fruit in the future. (Rudolf Steiner)


Reiki Healer, Earth Healing, Natural Energy Divination

Earthcare Environmental Solutions

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