Hi Ross -

The Atarus website in Australia is listed in the "Flame
Weeding for Vegetable Crops" publication from ATTRA.

Yet, the web site quit working some weeks or months
ago.... so I can't say much more than that.

John McPhee (Team Leader for Sustainable and Profitable
Industries, Vegetable Branch, Devonport, Tasmania) is
looking into equipment and technology for organic / sustainable
vegetable production....  so you might get in touch at:

If you think of wood chip mulch on trees and vines,
combined with steam for the emerging weeds, which
ultimately "poke through" the mulch, you have
a very powerful combination.

You get the moisture conserving and weed-controlling
mulch benefits, you provide the food and shelter benefits
for soil biota, you get the fungal foodweb benefits, you get
the humic benefits relative to Ramial Chipped Wood -- the
Bois Raméal Fragmenté, and you get the no-till benefits.

Yet, you avoid the fire hazard of open flame weeders and
dried mulch in an arid climate.

Steve Diver

Ross McDonald asks:

"to Steve Diver, thanks for your comments on the steam/flame web sites.
would appreciate if you could advise the contact details for Atarus in
Australia as I will contact them concerning their applicators. cheers

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