Morning all,

With the rain has come the cooler temps, but still it is March and many
snakes are on the move for a mate.  Have managed to obtain a copperhead
snake which my wonderful dog killed, before it headed into the laundry.
Have spent some time thinking about the right time to catch a snake, the
answer as far as I'm concerned is never, but when one lands in your laundry
door, then it's time to make use of it. The copperheads are numerous in
these parts and have stopped me some years from working in the garden.  Only
want to put the pepper around the house yard and food gardens, they can have
the rest of the land.

Unable to bring myself to skin the snake, so have allowed the maggots, wasps
and ants to remove the innards.  It is at this point that I am unsure of
what to do to make a pepper.  Even unsure if whether or not leaving it to
the insects was the right thing to do?  The skin is still in good nick.

Have read previous posts on ashing and have lost the attachment Cheryl Kemp
sent to me on snake peppers, and the questions keep coming, such as:  Once
turned to ash how long is the pepper good for?  Is it best to keep in ash
form or potenise for storage. What colour should the ash finish at, and
would burning it out on the plough disc BBQ, with a lid over it be good
enough?  Do I apply it around the perimeter or over the land I want

Any answers, experience or suggested reading would be greatly appreciated,


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