In a message dated 3/9/03 5:20:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Hi Steve - great post - great holiday too I bet!
> The green house is filling up with flats of newly seeded trays.  This week
> will go in and spray with a bc tea laced with trace minerals.
Can you tell us exactly how you make the trace element fortified BC - lack
of attention to trace element nutrition is one of the major problems
suffered by BD.
In a batch of five five gallon buckets I use about five shovels of trace 
minerals, sometimes I mix differnt types, three pounds of ground oyster or 
egg shell. 

What do you use as source of traces? 
Summa Minerals [basalt] CA, paramagnetic basalt 8000 cfm Ontario
What special measures do you take to maintain the microbial integrity of your 
BC? . This would be valuable information for many on the list.
I store some bc in the wet peat boxes outside or in the root cellar, some bc 
stays in the pits in the earth where it is made and I make a new pit and 
reuse other when empty.

>This afternoonI will spray the thousand yards of leaves delivered to the 
farm by the
   town with equisetum, bc, and 500.
Our local town council gathers fallen leaves over autumn, I am investigating
the cost of getting them delivered, almost exclusively london plane trees is
this worthwhile? >>
The town delivers to us for free.  Some trucks are sent from the recycling 
center, some direct from clean-up.  Those are fine leaves, get 'em.  

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