----- Original Message -----
From: "James Hedley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
claim that food is better if
> grown biodynamically. I love my plants and take great delight in growing
> plants that have a look of vitality about them.  Although they may appear
> be very vital plants, each year the seed loses some of it's vitality.
> My problem then became how do I increase vitality,

 James  Some time ago when Peter Bacchus and I were working together in the
fields we had a great discussion on plant breeding  and the use of BD preps
to effect this .
What comes to mind ,as no notes were taken we were grubbing weeds, was that
we talked about the use of different preps to aid in cross breeding  to
improve colour, quality,  vigour etc.
Maybe Peter may be able to help you in this area. Just a thought that came
to mind as I grubbed another lot of weeds.
Regards Tony.

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