Hey, what do you use to accumulate orgone for a field or farm?

One way that I have been using is with the help of a map. A map as a picture of my farm can be used to find energy spots, low energy places. Because of the correspondence between the map and the actual shape of my farm, there is a resonance. What I do to the map (after concentrating and aiming my intentions) has an effect on my farm. I have been using a small orgon-accumulator (plastic pipe with rolled alufoil+wrapping foil, centre is a knitting pen) to aim orgon energy for a certain limited amount of time to my fields. I guess it is in miniature what others do with a cosmic pipe? --> I have no experience with the cosmic pipe thus far. Reiki is a nice way too by the way.

Part of the process is first to get in touch with the 'organizing principle' of the farm and find out what is needed: energy levels might be high enough and a certain form of information might be required, or the other way around. Because this 'contact with the organizing principle of the farm' (or deva, or farm organism or whatever you wish to call it) is quite an subjective thing, I would like to have more ways of getting information about the energetic state of my farm. Feeling energies with my hands personally for me is a stronger experience, and more relieble, because it is so 'real', a real feeling in my hands. A big difference for exemple between a bucket of water with preps unstirred, compared to the radiation/current after one hour stirring...


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