At 08:51 31/05/2003 +1200, you wrote:
What is the feedback you are getting from Emerson on the use of radionics "as part of BD"?
Glen A

In Holland lots of BDfarmers have been using preparations over a long period of time, without ever seeing any results. Some subsequently quit using them (until recently, use of preparations was not obligotary according to Dutch Demeter Standards) at all, and others continued using them without much enthousiasm. Since a lot of these farmers have learnt how to access the etheric realm in different ways, and actually experienced results from these actions, they work much more enthousiastically with the etheric forces on their lands. One can ask oneself if that 'is BD'; it is not BD in the rigid sense strictly according to what Steiner delivered in the AgC; in my opinion it is BD because it aims for the same objectives ('develop' the etheric realm, cultivating on an etheric level) and should be seen as new, free developments of the biodynamic approach of agriculture.

I have been using these techniques in Holland, but I don't use 'radionics' on Emerson and work currently pretty much along the lines set out in the AgC. Aim of our training is to give our students basic understanding of, and experience in using the preparations and other measures described in the AgC.


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