Dear Arjen,

Sounds interesting. I'm fresh back from an atmospheric regeneration
workshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico where I and my colleague, Lorraine Cahill
worked to show New Mexico environmentalists how pollution blocks rainfall
and how the ethers are easily restored, using the BD prep remedies, to
their proper state of organization--resulting in rain. We received a total
of 0.877 inches of rain at the site targeted by our radionic treatments. I
believe it was a good learning experience for all involved, including

I don't see how we can theorize in our armchairs about these things and
hone in on target about how they work without doing a big bit of work on
the practical side. And I don't see how we can be biodynamic purists and
just work with the BD preps without seeing how this relates to such things
as color, Bach Flower Remedies, general homeopathics, dowsing, etc. So I
welcome you to this discussion, as I'm sure many others who are working
with homeopathy, radionics, dowsing, etc. on this list also welcome you.

Till we meet again,

Hugh Lovel

>Hello everybody,
>I joined the BDNow list recently and I would like to take the opportunity
>to introduce myself. My name is Arjen Huese and I work as biodynamic
>vegetable grower at Emerson College in the UK ( We have
>got a three year biodynamics training here, where I teach vegetable growing
>and some soil subjects.
>I used to have my own biodynamic market garden in Holland before I came to
>England, 2.5 ha on a lovely black sandy soil. I worked with the spray
>preparations, but also with other 'energetic' methods including meditation,
>dowsing, feeling of the earth/crop radiation, colours and Bach flower
>I did a course with a man called Hans Andeweg, who has quite stirred up the
>Dutch biodynamic movement, by teaching many farmers and growers how they
>can feel the radiation of the soil/crops as well as using a pendulum to
>determine certain parameters like Bovis value and Orgone. He uses these
>parameters to establish if a field/crop/farm organism is healthy or might
>need a certain input. If needed you can administer a certain energy (with
>an Orgone accumulator) or information (using flower remedies, etc).
>He got me quite excited about this, and I practised it for some years until
>I had to quit my farm. Now I am teaching at Emerson, and working my way
>through the Agriculture Course with a group of students and at a certain
>point I gave them the assignment to explain how the spray prepararions
>really work, what background is there behind them. Mistake! I realised I
>didn't have a clue myself... The usual explanation of horn-manure =
>calcium-force and horn-silica = silica-force seemed a bit too easy and
>seemed to be contradicted by Steiner in other chapters of the AgC (espec.
>ch.6). I studied further and encountered the four ethers, which were
>somehow mentioned during my training at Warmonderhof in Holland, but nobody
>ever explained them thoroughly or seemed/seems even to know a lot about it.
>A book by Guenther Wachsmuth (' The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos,
>Earth and Man', 1932) that I dug out from the Emerson Library proved very
>informative, I would really recommend it to anybody interested in basic
>understanding of the four ethers and the role they play in plant growth and
>the way they move during the seasons. The latter might give some reasoning
>behind the advice from Steiner to hang up or dig down preparations in
>certain times of year.
>This is where I am standing at the moment, still studying the ethers, still
>getting more practiced in feeling energies (particularly the quality,
>rather than the quantity, of energies) and after what I have been reading
>now in the BDNow list about peppering, perhaps do some experiments with
>slug peppers (the main problem in my 2ha garden here at Emerson). My
>students urge me to do some experiments with peppers almost every week, so
>let's give it a try, even without the right constellation perhaps ;)
>Kind regards,
>Arjen Huese
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