In N.Z. it is not a great deal different to Europe. There are quite a number
using the preparations in various forms and using other certifications. one
should remember that Steiner's instructions were to farm homoeopathicaly.
This instruction was given to the Koliskos who were attending the lectures
for medical practitioners and pharmacists. They were being instructed in the
use of decimal homoeopathy. During the agricultural lectures they were
commended for their work and after the lectures asked to continue with their
research. Steiner did not want the agricultural lectures made public, only
the work of those who brought it to physical manifestation. We should be
going through the process of trial and peer review, just like other
scientific disciplins. This crisis in Europe may be to help some people to
wake up to what Steiner's intentions really were.
Yes sleep is much more comfortable!!!! So leagal action may be needed to
cause a little more discomfort!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arjen Huese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?

> A lot of European bdgrowers use the Demeter-symbol and get a higher price
> for their products than for ordinary organic products. Part of the
> requirements for using the Demeter-symbol is the ('traditional') use of
> preps, not radionically applied but physically stirring and spraying.
> Manfred Klett (the head of the agricultural section in the
> Goetheanum-Dornach) suggests '... in the meantime we have to feel free to
> act illegally...'

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