Dear Merla,
If you want to potentise large quantities of spray material you could try fitting as large a drum as you can mount and handle on to a two person children's swing, or conversely you could get Herb to make you a motorised see-saw, with substance on both ends.
The problem with potentising large quantities by hand is:
The amount of water used, and
The labor used.
Mechanize the process and you are part of the way down the track, however from my experience even the hand prepared preps and peppers are not anywhere near the potency of radionic substance i.e.: stirred preps on our place might start off at an energy reading of 640, stir them and you might get to somewhere about 1000, or an increase in energy of 50%.
potentise the same preps (or substance) to say 3x and the energy has increased to around 10,000. Stirred preps maybe fine on poor soils, but once you start to get high vitality in your soils the BD 500 in some cases can knock the vitality down. the same with all the other preps, it is only by Radionic Analysis that you can tell what is going to happen, before you do it. Or if your soil really needs what you want to put out.
A few months ago I wrote of some basalt soils on our farm that had plenty of mineralisation, extremely high paramagnetism, 5% organic matter and a vitality reading of 10% which is about as low as it can get and Brix of 8. Since then I have used Radionic broadcast plus radionic testing of what substances would give the best results, this has increased Brix to 22 and vitality to about 90%. No putting preps out by hand, all soil inputs are broadcast via Polaroid photographs.
Part of the secret has been that we have been able to change the soil polarity from positive to negative. There is not any discussion on soil polarity on the list , however it is probably the one single factor that has the most influence on soil fertility.
Good luck,
Dear Merla,

Just finished a workshop in Traverse City, Michigan. We covered these
issues from the easy side.  I'd love to show you. But I only got 2 out of
100 that were interested in my presentation at Moscow, November 7, 8 at
your Idaho Organic meet. Don't know if I can get there on so slim a

But, you are right that homeopathy and biodynamics the stir and spray way
is much too hard. I'd love to show you radionics.


>James, it took us hours and hours to spray our tansy and knapweed D-8
>solution six times (two different weeks when the moon was in a fire sign).
>We came home at midnight twice. I think radionics is the answer for large
>acreages. I'm still trying to understand how to potentize 4 gallons of D-7
>pepper. What do you use to put it in to hang it from a tree and whack the
>&*#!!! out of it? I'm still wondering if I ground the ash correctly and
>potentized each succession correctly. Whenever I start doing radionics,
>that's going to be a whole new level of learning what to do on a material
>level and on a spiritual level.
>James Hedley wrote:
>> Greetings from the Land of the Wizards of Oz, :-)
>> Earlier this month 6 members of Central West Biodynamic Group had a
>> social prep spraying day at one of our members who had been drastically
>> effected by the drought.
>> We had 2 stirring machines (one 60 gallon and a 90 gallon) and 2 sets of
>> flow forms running into a 400 litter tank, along with the brand new fire
>> tanker which bought the water for the spraying out. As usual there was
>> some problem with at least one pump, nothing much that a few willing
>> hands couldn't fix. The first load of spray headed out at about 3'oclock
>> and continued on until after dark. Back up again before daylight to get
>> the 501 out. In all we got preps out over 200 acres that were sown that
>> weekend as the gods must have heard that the preps were going out and
>> gave us an inch of rain. The property is 1500 acres with around 800
>> acres under cultivation, so it would have taken all of us at least 4
>> days to put out the preps only on the cultivation area.The whole
>> exercise gave all of us a n insight into the difficulties of broad acre
>> application of BD preps. Itut the preps out in between stirring and
>> spraying
>> The biggest problem is that the time when the preps go out usually
>> coincides with the time for sowing. In many instances the sowing gets
>> done and the preps wait for a less busy time(if there is one). It is
>> easy to see that there is a future for radionics in broad acre cropping.
>> Our member manages 1500 acres by himself, quite a feat. It is not
>> uncommon in Australian cropping for one man to manage very large areas.
>> Just try sowing down 800 acres in a few days because there is enough
>> rainfall to at least get a germination, even although there is minimal
>> subsoil moisture.
>> One must give full praise to the broad acre farmers who have not even
>> come out of drought yet still expend large amounts of money to put
>> another crop in, full of hope and not much else there for them. For many
>> farmers it will be very tough, if they can hang on, if there is no crop
>> this year.
>> Something like 95% of NSW is still drought affected, although
>> fortunately our property has had 22 inches of rain since March.
>> We had really good mileage from Hugh Lovel's Workshop at Albury, however
>> I have found that Radionic broadcast of sea water and the use of
>> Radionic color therapy on the atmosphere has enabled the rain to move in
>> a further 30 km from the east. More on the results of sea water
>> broadcast in another post.
>> Regards
>> James Hedley
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