James, Hugh, Lloyd, et al.,

I am interested in learning this route and I'm highly motivated.  The trouble
is that anything mathematical, mechanical or in the realm of physics is hard
for me to understand.  I am better at languages, art and literature...alas, but
I am persistent and like to do research on a subject and thoroughly learn what
I'm interested in, regardless.  I used to go to International Solar Energy
Society meetings back in the 80s and took courses. I didn't even understand the
four quadrants of a graph and put a graph in my paper in the wrong quadrant.  I
learned to do solar calculations and even did one calculation that involved
calculus. I'm sure radionics comes more easily to someone who is at home with
these subjects. When I do mechanical things, I have to write down each step in
order and follow it, cookbook style. Herb can help me gather materials for a
see-saw and understand the moment.  He has three-dimensional visualization and
will easily grasp relationships and weight.

I have used Radionic broadcast plus radionic testing of what substances would
give the best results

I assume you have a computerized radionic instrument that uses a witness to
test substances.  Is that right or do you have a simpler instrument?   It's
hard for me to learn what the potencies mean without the instrument in front of
me.  I think I have to start out with an FB and Malcolm Rae cards and I still
can't afford a refractometer, but I will get one.  I have old pertinent BD Now
posts on preps and radionics and anything else relevant to our situation saved
on the computer.

My understanding of energetics is purely faith-based.  I find it hard to
believe that I can actually control energy on some level or  soil polarity.
How do you broadcast via Polaroid photographs?  I can't even understand how you
can broadcast with a Malcolm Rae card. It's just a piece of paper with some
lines on it in a circle to me. It's got to be intention.  I'm a long, long way
from control. I need to get knocked in the head just so I can dowse.

If you are willing to bear with me, I am willing to work at it.  I'm swamped
right now because I had lead paint on old barn boards in my kitchen area in the
cabin.  We had to buy a HEPA vacuum cleaner and respirator and I'm cleaning
every inch of the cabin with Tri-sodium phosphate!  I'd rather do anything than
this, but it's some kind of karmic thing for me.



Lloyd Charles wrote:

From: "James Hedley"

> Dear Merla,
> If you want to potentise large quantities of spray material you could
> ---------- or conversely you could get Herb to make you a
> motorised see-saw, with substance on both ends.


James Hedley wrote:

> Dear Merla,
> If you want to potentise large quantities of spray material you could
> try fitting as large a drum as you can mount and handle on to a two
> person children's swing, or conversely you could get Herb to make you a
> motorised see-saw, with substance on both ends.
> The problem with potentising large quantities by hand is:
> The amount of water used, and
> The labor used.
> Mechanize the process and you are part of the way down the track,
> however from my experience even the hand prepared preps and peppers are
> not anywhere near the potency of radionic substance i.e.: stirred preps
> on our place might start off at an energy reading of 640, stir them and
> you might get to somewhere about 1000, or an increase in energy of 50%.
> potentise the same preps (or substance) to say 3x and the energy has
> increased to around 10,000. Stirred preps maybe fine on poor soils, but
> once you start to get high vitality in your soils the BD 500 in some
> cases can knock the vitality down. the same with all the other preps, it
> is only by Radionic Analysis that you can tell what is going to happen,
> before you do it. Or if your soil really needs what you want to put out.
> A few months ago I wrote of some basalt soils on our farm that had
> plenty of mineralisation, extremely high paramagnetism, 5% organic
> matter and a vitality reading of 10% which is about as low as it can get
> and Brix of 8. Since then I have used Radionic broadcast plus radionic
> testing of what substances would give the best results, this has
> increased Brix to 22 and vitality to about 90%. No putting preps out by
> hand, all soil inputs are broadcast via Polaroid photographs.
> Part of the secret has been that we have been able to change the soil
> polarity from positive to negative. There is not any discussion on soil
> polarity on the list , however it is probably the one single factor that
> has the most influence on soil fertility.
> Good luck,
> James
> Dear Merla,
> Just finished a workshop in Traverse City, Michigan. We covered these
> issues from the easy side.  I'd love to show you. But I only got 2 out of
> 100 that were interested in my presentation at Moscow, November 7, 8 at
> your Idaho Organic meet. Don't know if I can get there on so slim a
> shoelace.
> But, you are right that homeopathy and biodynamics the stir and spray way
> is much too hard. I'd love to show you radionics.
> Best,
> Hugh
>  >James, it took us hours and hours to spray our tansy and knapweed D-8
>  >solution six times (two different weeks when the moon was in a fire sign).
>  >We came home at midnight twice.   I think radionics is the answer for
> large
>  >acreages.  I'm still trying to understand how to potentize 4 gallons
> of D-7
>  >pepper.  What do you use to put it in to hang it from a tree and whack the
>  >&*#!!! out of it?  I'm still wondering if I ground the ash correctly and
>  >potentized each succession correctly.  Whenever I start doing radionics,
>  >that's going to be a whole new level of learning what to do on a material
>  >level and on a spiritual level.
>  >
>  >Best,
>  >
>  >Merla
>  >
>  >James Hedley wrote:
>  >
>  >> Greetings from the Land of the Wizards of Oz, :-)
>  >> Earlier this month 6 members of Central West Biodynamic Group had a
>  >> social prep spraying day at one of our members who had been drastically
>  >> effected by the drought.
>  >> We had 2 stirring machines (one 60 gallon and a 90 gallon) and 2 sets of
>  >> flow forms running into a 400 litter tank, along with the brand new fire
>  >> tanker which bought the water for the spraying out. As usual there was
>  >> some problem with at least one pump, nothing much that a few willing
>  >> hands couldn't fix. The first load of spray headed out at about 3'oclock
>  >> and continued on until after dark. Back up again before daylight to get
>  >> the 501 out. In all we got preps out over 200 acres that were sown that
>  >> weekend as the gods must have heard that the preps were going out and
>  >> gave us an inch of rain. The property is 1500 acres with around 800
>  >> acres under cultivation, so it would have taken all of us at least 4
>  >> days to put out the preps only on the cultivation area.The whole
>  >> exercise gave all of us a n insight into the difficulties of broad acre
>  >> application of BD preps. Itut the preps out in between stirring  and
>  >> spraying
>  >> The biggest problem is that the time when the preps go out usually
>  >> coincides with the time for sowing. In many instances the sowing gets
>  >> done and the preps wait for a less busy time(if there is one). It is
>  >> easy to see that there is a future for radionics in broad acre cropping.
>  >> Our member manages 1500 acres by himself, quite a feat. It is not
>  >> uncommon in Australian cropping for one man to manage very large areas.
>  >> Just try sowing down 800 acres in a few days because there is enough
>  >> rainfall to at least get a germination, even although there is minimal
>  >> subsoil moisture.
>  >> One must give full praise to the broad acre farmers who have not even
>  >> come out of drought yet still expend large amounts of money to put
>  >> another crop in, full of hope and not much else there for them. For many
>  >> farmers it will be very tough, if they can hang on, if there is no crop
>  >> this year.
>  >> Something like 95% of NSW is still drought affected, although
>  >> fortunately our property has had 22 inches of rain since March.
>  >> We had really good mileage from Hugh Lovel's Workshop at Albury, however
>  >> I have found that Radionic broadcast of sea water and the use of
>  >> Radionic color therapy on the atmosphere has enabled the rain to move in
>  >> a further 30 km from the east. More on the results of sea water
>  >> broadcast in another post.
>  >> Regards
>  >> James Hedley
>  >>
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