Title: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

Reiki does not require the conscious use of the practitioners mind.

Radionics is completely reliant on the practitioners mind and it's focus.

Homoeopathics is a very physical methodology that collects and potentises the energy.

Biodynamics is also a physical process of collecting and potentising energy, but different from Homoeopathics.

With respect


with Huge respect for your education, dedication and clarity of writing. i think your codification is illusionary.

There is ever widening evidence it is a user friendly universe and reality is what choices you make.
The structure and usage is yours for the deciding. Every nuance of culture (whether BD, catholicism, eastern  etc) selects the syntax that creates this reality. All we have to do is select and get to work with a passion. The rest is chopping wood and caring water.

In love & Light
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