But  this is the current understanding of homoeopathy, what
> can u do, just ignore it?

No I am not ignoring it. I know of no homeopath who has worked with the
homeopathic BD preps and so there are no other authorative views to
consider. My experience of them suggests they are different to 'normal'
substance. For a start their making process places them as alchemical
substances which work directly on the spiritual bodies relationship to one
another. Thats the basis I must start with.

Evidence does show they have a like cures like effect. It is really a
question , can you see what the actual cause of a problem is and which prep
will 'cure' it.
Is it not more your own limitations of understanding that are the 'problem'
rather than the system you are attacking?

There are observable phenomena, but
> we know that the observation is affected by our mind set, by our very
> efforts at observation (as well as our prejudices and inclinations).
> So we can delude ourselves both at the level of perception AND at the
> level of conception.

This what I have liked about the HortResearch process we have been through.
I have not been involved in these trials whatsoever.
The remedies are applied - possibly by highly sceptical scientists - on
Very little subjectivity here , if not down right negative sentiments, yet
we have achieved positive results as predicted.
These substances have power regardless of the user. This I believe is the
value of using X potencies. It makes the remedy much more stable than higher
potencies, most homeopathic rules apply to. I treat my remedies really
badly, on purpose, and they stand up. Breaking all the trad homeopathic
So be it. Thats whats real, too bad about someone else rules. Its the old,
"If you meet Bhuddha on the road kill him' phenomena.
As you may have noticed over time, my regard for 'authorities' is nil, till
they prove some value. I find it gives me tremendous freedom to redefine
reality to what I experience. Does wonders for ones sanity.
Glen A

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