Okay, I realize that this is tricky and a bit of a unique issue, so I 
understand if there aren't solutions out there.

More basically, then: how can I find the drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c 
source file? Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong, but if that's throwing a 
warning, why can' tI find it anywhere in the file system to troubleshoot?

On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 10:51:39 AM UTC-8, Danny Darko wrote:
> I've been trying to troubleshoot an issue, but lacking experience working 
> in the kernel, and not being able to find this same issue discussed 
> elsewhere, I could use some help.
> Basically, I have a USB communication class device interface with my BBB 
> that only works once between booting. I'll power up, send a character 
> command to the device, and get the expected response back ... but if I send 
> the same command again, fgets never returns a non-null string. If I reboot 
> the BBB, I can send the command and get the expected response back, but, 
> again, only once.
> Other USB issues I've seen discuss power, and my device is bus-powered, 
> but I don't think it's a power issue, as I found the following in dmesg, 
> which doesn't seem to relate to power (this message appears after the first 
> time sending a command to the device, and every time thereafter): 
>     WARNING: at drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:125 
> musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x35/0x5c()
> Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this? Again, I have no experience working 
> in the kernel, so I'm at a loss. My only idea was to examine the code 
> throwing the warning, but, mysteriously, I searched the entire file system 
> (find / musb_host.c) and couldn't locate musb_host.c ... how could that 
> file be throwing the warning if it seemingly doesn't exist on my file 
> system?
> This is a company project and we're willing to pay for a solution at this 
> point.

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