Hey Scott.  I have been away for the holidays and won't be back to my 
office with my equipment until the start of next week.  You have everything 
set up correctly, it seems.  The games.cfg looks OK, in any case.  The 
problem is that the button numbers for the start and select are hardcoded 
in the front-end GUI.  I have a better button mapping scheme on my dev list 
for v0.5 of BeagleSNES, but I can't work on it and get another release out 
until I am able to get back to my equipment.  The short answer is that you 
will require a code change and recompile to get it working for your 
particular controller.

I have a big laundry list of things that I have been working on that I want 
to get out for v0.5, and a few of the items have been delaying me in 
getting the release out.  I may just have to bite the bullet and expedite 
the more urgent items because a large number of people have received new 
BBBs for the holidays and have been filling my inbox with all sorts of 
issues regarding gamepads and button mappings.

Good work on getting everything working as well as you have so far.  I 
should write a book on how to develop the BBB into a standalone appliance 
based on all of the feedback and reports that I have received from everyone 
over the last six months...


On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 6:23:41 PM UTC-5, Scott Paul wrote:
> So close...
> I had an old PC sitting around collecting dust so I formatted that to 
> Ubuntu 12.04.  I re-did everything from that machine.  Before I started, 
> when I plugged in the SD card that I had setup from the Win7 machine into 
> the Ubuntu machine it seemed to mount the two partitions fine ... but it 
> also gave me a pop-up error message about not wanting to mount the drive 
> for some reason ... even though I could see both parts.  Anyways, it did 
> this each time I mounted the card.  After I reformatted the card with the 
> beaglesnes image that message has no longer come up.  I have mounted the 
> card several more times too.  
> At first it did not work.  Then I took it out of its Adafruit 
> case<http://www.adafruit.com/products/1555?gclid=CNGJv-2J3rsCFVLxOgodcRsAeA>and
>  tried.  Then it would boot up, give me music, and let me scroll through 
> the placeholder's in the default config.  I am certain I tried this before 
> but it did not matter.  I quickly realized that the molding on the cable 
> needed to be cut down.  If I had read adafruit's page closer, I might have 
> caught that note.  Not happy about that, but it worked.  I think that I had 
> both a cable problem and a Windows problem, but maybe it was only a 
> cable/case problem and I didn't do something else write the time I tried 
> that with the Win7 SD card setup.
> I have been at it for a while today, but the problem now is that it will 
> not select the games I've added in the menu.  I have tested the controller 
> on the Ubuntu machine and can see the start and select buttons do 
> register.  I have been doing everything in the Ubuntu machine.  The 
> pictures are showing up, the text descriptions are updated.  At first I had 
> 5 games listed so I tried adding 5 more.  Each time the menu list updated 
> as expected, but pressing start or select doesn't do anything.  The roms 
> are all in the rootfs/home/ubuntu/beaglesnes/rom folder.  They are all 
> .smc.  I even removed spaces and tried shortening the .smc file names.
> I'm only using one controller.  I can't really think of much else to try 
> right now.  Again, I welcome any support.  I attached my games.cfg file if 
> that helps

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