On 1/20/2014 5:06 PM, Dave Covert wrote:
> While my beast has routing as its first planned jobs, I also plan to print
> 6' wings and fuselages for R/C aircraft, so I definitely need to keep the
> extruder heaters and sensors front and center.
> What packages am I likely to need for routing on the BBB? for printing?
>  Can LinuxCNC do routing and printing?
> Both boards mention something about some software/firmware that comes
> on/with them...  what is that about?

For both routing and printing, you need some form of motion control
software.  Both tasks are very similar (coordinated moves in multi-axis
space), but each has it's own unique requirements as well (spindle speed
and coolant for routing/machining, extruder and heater control for 3D
printing).  AFAIK, there are currently three solutions for natively
controlling a CNC machine on the BeagleBone:

* The software written by Elias to run the Replicape

* The software written by Bas to run the BeBoPr

* LinuxCNC, which is a generic machine control platform traditionally
used on x86 machines

* Let me know if I missed any!

All three available solutions use the on-board PRUs (dual 200 MHz 32-bit
deterministic micro-controllers a.k.a. Programmable Realtime Unit) to
generate step/dir signals with precision timing that is unaffected by
the generally lousy interrupt latency performance of the ARM core.

LinuxCNC uses a real-time Xenomai kernel and provides a programmable HAL
(hardware abstraction layer) you can use to wire up various operating
blocks to control your machine (things like PID controller loops,
filters, gain and multiplexing stages, etc).

I believe the software from both Bas and Elias run on a regular kernel,
and rely on the PRU to do more than LinuxCNC (ie: things like motion
planning and velocity/acceleration profiling), but I'm not 100% sure as
I am not real familiar with either code base.

One thing I like about LinuxCNC, is the ARM core to do the motion
planning via Xenomai real-time threads, meaning the GHz CPU and FPU can
be used for tasks like non-trivial kinematics.  I first started looking
into LinuxCNC because I wanted to control a linear delta printer like
the Kossel, and I am actively working on adding kinematics for other
non-Cartesian machines like the Wally and GUS Simpson.

Brandon Heller is farther along than I am on the linear delta front, and
has a nice video on G+ of printing using LinuxCNC on the BeagleBone:


Charles Steinkuehler

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