If everyone used the same JTAG it would make things too easy!!!

I'm using IAR EWARM.
Making an adapter board isn't hard so I guess that's what I'll do. I'll 
just grad a small pad-per-hole proto board and hotwire it together.

Thanks again for the help!

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:31:26 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> Does anyone know of a JTAG adapter for the BBB that will connect to the 
> IAR/Segger iJet?
> The Samtec FTR-110-03-G-D-06 does not have the correct spacing or pin-out.
> The two rows have the correct pin-to-pin spacing but the two rows are too 
> far apart (.05inX.05in pitch)
> The IAR interface has the following pinout:
> 1 VTref               2 SWDIO/TMS
> 3 GND               4 SWCLK/TCK
> 5 GND               6 SWO/TDO
> 7 N/C                 8 TDI
> 9 GNC              10 nRESET
> 11 TgtPwr         12 N/C
> 13 TgtPwr         14 N/C
> 15 GND             16 N/C
> 17 GND             18 N/C
> 19 GND             20 N/C
> Thanks in advance for any help!!!

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