On Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:57:11 AM UTC-6, RobertCNelson wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Dennis Cote 
> <den...@harding.ca<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > On Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:29:10 AM UTC-6, RobertCNelson wrote: 
> >> 
> >> However it works better if you add it via xset/xsetroot: 
> >> 
> >> root@beaglebone:~# cat /home/debian/.xsessionrc 
> >> #!/bin/sh 
> >> 
> >> xset -dpms 
> >> xset s off 
> >> xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr 
> >> 
> >> and just remove the  [Option          "SWCursor"      "true"] line 
> >> from /etc/X11/xorg.conf 
> > 
> > 
> > Robert, 
> > 
> > My .xsessionrc file looks identical to yours, and I did not have 
> "SWCursor" 
> > anywhere in my xorg.conf file, so there was nothing to remove. 
> > 
> > My mouse pointer definitely becomes invisible when I logout. 
> okay, so when i switch back to v3.8, i see this now too.. Weird, as 
> v3.13.x it works.  Might just have to go back to the xorg.conf 
> workaround. 
Hi Robert,

I hope this isn't a repeat. I thought I posted a similar message earlier 
today, but it has not showed up in the group (at least for me), so I am 

Today I downloaded and installed a fresh copy of the latest, 2014-04-14, 
Debian image. Previously I had been using your update scripts to update my 
installation to the latest version, but I noticed there wasn't an update 
script for this version when I did a git pull in the /opt/scripts directory.

While using the new version I noticed that I had the same problems with my 
mouse pointer becoming invisible whenever I log out of LXDE, and the DPMS 
screen blanking being disabled, that I had reported earlier.

To correct this I removed the ~/.xsessionrc file to get the default, On, 
state for the dpms screen blanking. I also had to add the following line to 
the end of the Device section of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. Without this 
line I had no mouse pointer at all.

    Option "SWCursor" "true" 

I now have a mouse pointer that remains visible across LXDE logout/login 
cycles, and my screen now turns off after 10 minutes of inactivity. 

I really think this a better default setup since the BBB behave like a 
standard desktop PC (I have a USB keyboard and mouse, and an HDMI monitor). 
New users will get correct and standard operation. More experienced users 
can change these behaviors if they need to (to disable screen blanking on a 
kiosk for example), especially if there are clear instructions on how to do 

While testing the changes to the ~/.xsessionrc file I notice that I am 
getting a ~/.xsession-errors file created on each reboot. This file 
contains the following message:

    Openbox-Message: Unable to find a valid menu file 

Dennis Cote

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