1. The question has been asked countless times on the groups already,
   and as such can easily be searched on the groups.
   2. google should always be your first recourse. Most questions asked
   here are not specific to the hardware, and as such can easily be googled
   as: "how to debian <x.y.z>", etc.
   3. Not enough information given.
   4. There are literally 10's of thousands of packages, and tools, and
   x.y.z for Debian. This is why the distro was chosen( or one reason why ).
   Passed that, several ways to achieve most( all ? ) goals for <insert

People here have their own lives, and do not get paid to answer questions
here for anyone. As smart-ass as that may seem, this is the pure and simple
truth. Many others, myself included subscribe to this group through our
email, and get hammered by 30-100 emails a day just from this group alone.
For me, ever since the beaglebone black was released to the public.

While I can not speak for anyone else. Personally it bugs me to constantly
answer the same question over and over again. Multiple questions on the
same exact problem has been asked multiple times a day. More than once, and
by seemingly different people !!! As well as really simple stuff such as
compiler errors that can easily be copied / pasted into a browser to show
hundreds of thousands of hits. While the answer 99% of the time is on the
first search result page. Why should "we" have to google search for "you" ?

On top of that, we work, or do whatever it is that we all do daily, and try
to find time for our own hobbies. On top of this still, you have people
using this group to ask questions for their products based on beagle
hardware, or even writing books on the beaglebone . . . without so much as
a thank you, or contribution to the community. Unless it makes them a
"buck" in the process. Gratitude for ya . . .

So, do yourself a favor. Do as much of your own work for yourself as
possible. Have to scour 500 + google search hits to find a correct solution
? Tough, and welcome to the club. Log *EVERYTHING* you do, as you do it. So
when you do find something that works you can duplicate the process
reliably. Or if the solution still evades you. Guess what ? You have the
exact steps to show us that you've done in order to help solve your issue !

For the record, I have 3 unanswered posts on this group since last year.
Meaning: topics that I started trying to find information myself. So . . .
I tend to find all my own solutions using some form of a search - First.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 12:05 AM, <janszymanski12...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>  I have still unresolved issue (no answer here for how to make pwm_P8_13
> low on boot? ) and therefore
> trying to figure out if my question is:
> - too easy
> - too difficult
> - not interesting enough
> - other?
> As I see there is generally a number of unanswered questions, would it be
> possible for the moderator to give an indication in a simple style,
> something like: "too easy, google it yourself" or whatever, to avoid
> frustration.
> Jan
>  --
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