Thanks for your suggestions. I will look more into it. I am aware that full 
security is not achievable, I wanted more to make sure that there is no 
super easy way in where everyone could just see whatever they want to. 

Also that was my point about removing/disabling unused features. Then I do 
not need to keep them up to date when they are not present any more. 


On Sunday, December 7, 2014 11:08:22 PM UTC-5, William Hermans wrote:
> and . . . 
> Some ppl just don't "get it".
> Anyway, the moral of my long winded story ? If you do not trust it, do 
> some research on your own . . .
> On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 9:03 PM, William Hermans < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> If you really must keep up to date . . . .-
>> On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 8:53 PM, William Hermans < 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> BTW, any who cares, Deian is one of the oldest, and most reliable 
>>> distro's - period, even it was susceptible to this bash exploit. The only 
>>> thing you can do in any case short of locking this device up in a closest 
>>> with no power is keep up to date with the technology you're using.
>>> A "real hacker" doesn't care about your system only the data it presents 
>>> to him / her. The rest are script kiddies, and generally easy to foil.
>>> On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 8:48 PM, William Hermans < 
>>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>>> You cant apt-get update && apt-get upgrade . . .
>>>> apt-get install x.y.z, but until you understand the OS *completely* 
>>>> you'll never feel good. Best practices - Only install what you need and 
>>>> completely understand what you install. Anything potentially facing the 
>>>> internet is at risk - period..
>>>> The long standing bash exploit ( 19+ years ) is a perfect example of 
>>>> that. 
>>>> On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Robert Nelson < 
>>>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 5:24 PM, Tommi < 
>>>>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>>>> > Hey,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I am using the BBB for backup (via BTSync, this also gives me some 
>>>>> troubles
>>>>> > lately, but that is a different story...). I am thinking of bringing 
>>>>> the BBB
>>>>> > to work (at a university) to get a real off-site backup. However, I 
>>>>> am not
>>>>> > sure what steps I should take in order to make sure nobody can 
>>>>> access my
>>>>> > files there. So my questions are:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 1) What should I do to make sure it is secure? I think I would even 
>>>>> be happy
>>>>> > only to access it via USB and the webserver of BTsync (port 8888)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 2) What services could I shut off? I don't need the GUI, the 
>>>>> webserver,
>>>>> > could probably lock down many ports and other services I do not even 
>>>>> know
>>>>> > that they are currently running...
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 3) Potentially I could also hook the BBB to my computer via USB and 
>>>>> share
>>>>> > Internet with it. Would that be a more secure option?
>>>>> Just some quick points, as you could spend a lot of time/research into
>>>>> this topic..
>>>>> Physical access = root access... Unless you physcally modify the board
>>>>> with a gallon of hard epoxy and seal it in concrete. ;)  The board was
>>>>> designed for ease of development...
>>>>> By the default, the image has root access open (no password)
>>>>> and ssh on port 22..
>>>>> There's a script under:
>>>>> /opt/scripts/un-tweak-image/
>>>>> That'll reset root to a password (root) and disable root over ssh.
>>>>> Next disable bone101/cloud9 both applications give you root access to. 
>>>>> ;)
>>>>> BTW, for this project, starting with something really bare bones such 
>>>>> as:
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Robert Nelson
>>>>> --
>>>>> For more options, visit
>>>>> ---
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