On 01/18/2016 11:00 PM, Dean wrote:
All said something else is going on here. libEBBLibrary.so is definitely there yet it does not take. I should mention that namespace std is being used to make updates on code easier. See code listed below.

root@beaglebone:~/exploringBB/chp09/LCDcharacter# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="~/exploringBB/library/libEBBLibrary.so:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

root@beaglebone:~/exploringBB/chp09/LCDcharacter# ./LCDApp

./LCDApp: error while loading shared libraries: libEBBLibrary.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

root@beaglebone:~/exploringBB/chp09/LCDcharacter# cd ../../library

root@beaglebone:~/exploringBB/library# ls

CMakeLists.txt README build bus display docs example gpio libEBBLibrary.a libEBBLibrary.so motor network sensor


Here is the code ...

#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "display/LCDCharacterDisplay.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace exploringBB;

int main(){
   cout << "Starting EBB LCD Character Display Example" << endl;
SPIDevice *busDevice = new SPIDevice(2,0); //Using second SPI bus (both loaded)
   busDevice->setSpeed(1000000);      // Have access to SPI Device object
ostringstream s; // Using this to combine text and int data LCDCharacterDisplay display(busDevice, 16, 2); // Construct 16x2 LCD Display
   display.clear();                   // Clear the character LCD module
display.home(); // Move the cursor to the (0,0) position display.print("EBB by D. Molloy"); // String to display on the first row
   for(int x=0; x<=10000; x++){       // Do this 10,000 times
      s.str("");                      // clear the ostringstream object s
      display.setCursorPosition(1,3); // move the cursor to second row
s << "X=" << x; // construct a string that has an int value display.print(s.str()); // print the string X=*** on the LCD module
   cout << "End of EBB LCD Character Display Example" << endl;

ldd and strace are probably the tools I would use to help debug this.


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