On Mon, Jan 2, 2017 at 12:28 PM, John Franey <jjfra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What do you think strace would show?
> I used strace a long time ago.  Back then, it traced the system calls of
> an application process.   What should I look for in that output?
> Thanks,
> John

Ok so then you know what strace is then I suppose. In your case, I would
*imagine* strace would make things really easy to understand what is
happening at that 10 minute mark. Since in your shoes, I'd run everything
normally, but through strace. There is very likely going to be a lot of
output. So you'd want to output that to a file, using the -o option( dash
oh, as in Oscar ). Passed that I then( I would think ) becomes a matter of
reading the file in reverse, until you find a potential culprit. That is:
start of the end of the output file reading towards the beginning.

Quite honestly, I have no idea what you should be looking for, But I
suspect you'll know it when you see it. But if you do not, You could paste
the last 10 lines of output here, or so. Then see if any one else here can
spot a potential problem. I think that it could be very likely you will not
see an exact cause, but instead see something that should give a very good
indication as to what the problem is.

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