On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 8:25 PM, Ted Carancho <tedcaran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks so much for all your help William!
> I went into purchasing the BB Blue with eyes wide open, knowing it's brand
> new.  When the board was working I was very impressed with the cloud9 IDE
> and the capability to even use a terminal directly from a web browser.  I
> only worked with the onboard IMU and barometer and didn't connect any other
> external devices yet.

 It seems a lot of people like the cloud9 IDE, but I do not really like it
much personally. I've always been a minimalist type when I can be, and I
just use ssh to compile my projects natively using gcc from the command
line. One of the issues I have with cloud9, is that it's not always
responsive enough for me. Another is that it is not documented well enough
on this platform for my own wants. e.g. I have my own development system in
place that works very well for me, with no real motivation to switch to
something that seems to want to fight against the user when that user
want's to customize it's features.

> I contacted the vendor I bought this from (Newark/Element 14) and they
> provided me a full refund within 2 days!  Great customer support!  I'll
> wait awhile to see if others have success with their batch of the board and
> give the Beaglebone Blue a try again in the future. (I also entertained
> buying one of the more well used versions, but I really like the integrated
> IMU so I'll wait)

Well that's good. I'd expect no less from Element14 though.

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