No, not yet Mark,...... wa  wa

This was Debian<->IPU (built on TI SDK, but loaded to IPU via Debian RPROC).
Looks like Debian can load IPU exe's to the IPU's via REMOTEPROC and then 
exchange messages (?via RPMSG?).
I tried the IPU , because I could see in the IPU ex02 IPC code where the 
resource table appears to be getting populated/initialized.  I couldn't 
find evidence of resource_table init within DSP code in ex02, only that 
space was allocated in the link map.  So I decided to copy over the IPU exe 
built under the TI RTOS SDK IPU examples to Debian on the BB-X15 and try 
that.  Also there was a stock IPU image running/loaded on the BB-X15 Debian 
image.  I'm curious about what that does and where the source code is for 

Haven't yet been able to get the DSP to load via RPROC.    Am still getting 
resource_table not found and a '-2' load error when I attempt to load the 
DSP from Debian using RPROC.  I would think the TI IPC SDK examples would 
build properly, so investigating whether the .resource_table is getting 
initialized correctly could be a red herring..  Next-step after the 
resource table maybe to load the same exe on the TI SDK Linux image running 
on the BB-X15.....

Not sure what's needed to send printf's from the IPU or DSP to a Linux 
debug console via IPC... 

Regards, Jeff

On Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 6:39:04 PM UTC-5 lazarman wrote:

> Wonderful.
> So for myself and everyone else in group understanding  is this following 
> correct?
> DSP  to ARM messaging works using Debian and the SDK DSP examples loaded 
> on DSP by Linux automatically?
> Remoteproc loaded the DSP image from Linux and started it?
> For those that don't care for JTAG debugging or don't own one can use 
> printf debug is available to debug  their DSP applications?
> Anybody wanting to do same can use these DSP examples as a starting point  
> look at source code and modify these examples into TI RTOS examples 
> assuming they are not already using TI RTOS.
> Be wonderful to know how big the shared memory is and where to increase it 
> but I think that can be left to the learner. 
> Thank you for sharing this.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
> <>
> modify 
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 4:56 PM,
> <> wrote:
> I got lazy...
> Was trying to figure out how to build app_host (part of the ex02_message) 
> example natively on the BBB, when I said... Won't hurt anything if I try 
> running it the exe built under TI SDK Linux on the BB-X15.
> At first, I got the following, when I tried to run as Debian, but then 
> when logged in as su, it just worked..... 
> Now am scratching my head as to why this works..  The API's between the 
> app and remoteproc/rpmsg/vring buffers are the same???
> debian@beaglebone:~/ipc-starter$ ./app_host -l
> --> main:
> Processor List
> Ipc_start: LAD_connect() failed: 4
> Error: main_host.c, line 198: Ipc_start failed
> But then su.....
> debian@beaglebone:~/ipc-starter$ su
> Password: 
> root@beaglebone:/home/debian/ipc-starter# ./app_host -l
> --> main:
> Processor List
>     procId=0, procName=HOST
>     procId=1, procName=IPU2
>     procId=2, procName=IPU1
>     procId=3, procName=DSP2
>     procId=4, procName=DSP1
> root@beaglebone:/home/debian/ipc-starter# ./app_host IPU1
> --> main:
> --> Main_main:
> --> App_create:
> App_create: Host is ready
> <-- App_create:
> --> App_exec:
> App_exec: sending message 1
> App_exec: sending message 2
> App_exec: sending message 3
> App_exec: message received, sending message 4
> App_exec: message received, sending message 5
> App_exec: message received, sending message 6
> App_exec: message received, sending message 7
> App_exec: message received, sending message 8
> App_exec: message received, sending message 9
> App_exec: message received, sending message 10
> App_exec: message received, sending message 11
> App_exec: message received, sending message 12
> App_exec: message received, sending message 13
> App_exec: message received, sending message 14
> App_exec: message received, sending message 15
> App_exec: message received
> App_exec: message received
> App_exec: message received
> <-- App_exec: 0
> --> App_delete:
> <-- App_delete:
> <-- Main_main:
> <-- main:
> root@beaglebone:/home/debian/ipc-starter# 
> On Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 1:58:45 PM UTC-5 lazarman wrote:
> Hi Jeff
> Yes do the homework agreed.  One has to understand the RTOS support isn't 
> and e2e isn't for the Debian  kernel I think that's clear to 
> most people except beginners. I agree both this group and e2e are great 
> resources and this group has done a lot to promote learning Linux. There is 
> a gap for learning RTOS especially in colleges. Both operating system  have 
> there merits is my message.
> Thanks 
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
> <>
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 12:39 PM,
> <> wrote:
> That recruiter is a disgrace for such an unconscionable, absurd 
> statement!  Many of us are in that boat and most reputable employers allow 
> their employees time-off to deal with taking care of family members.  It's 
> probably just as well that they told you that in that getting further along 
> in the process with them probably would have caused even more frustration...
> I know, it's difficult on here at times, but my experience is, if you do 
> the groundwork first, either/both and/or the community members will 
> help.  Have gotten a lot of help on here previously..
> On Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 1:25:18 PM UTC-5 lazarman wrote:
> Wow let's stay in touch. The AI is cheaper so for a DSP platform it makes 
> sense not interested in AI. I agree about Beagle forum between us we have 
> enough experience to solve this.
> Have a good day I'm a bit blue I had a nasty recruiter tell me my gap in 
> employment taking care of mom rules out any contract jobs he says they want 
> recent experience. Lol 30 plus years experience can't get no respect 
> especially in the open source forum haha
> Stay safe
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
> <>
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 12:19 PM,
> <> wrote:
> Thanks Mark for your words of wizdom on here and in our email chats!  You 
> helped me look for the linker command file for the DSP build. The linker is 
> allocating space for the resource table, but I don't see where the 
> server_dsp1 code is statically initializing the table in the RTOS SDK linux 
> build (DRA7XX_linux_elf build for ex02_message).  I just need to make sure 
> that the DSP1 build's resource table is getting initialized and retry and 
> see if the remoteproc error goes away on the BB.ORG latest BB-X15 build 
> which I am loading all of the DSP/IPU images (built under TI SDK RTOS) onto.
> I did notice that the IPU code under the same example DOES appear to be 
> statically initializing it's resource table, so I thought I'd give loading 
> that a try with remoteproc on the latest Debian image for the BB-X15 by 
> deleting the exitsing IPU load on the Debian image, ln -s to it in 
> /lib/firmware, bind it, and look at the dmesg remoteproc traffic.  I see 
> something interesting here and hopefully promissing!!  Maybe a good 
> intermediate step would be to build the application side of the ex02 linux 
> application natively on the BB-X15 and see if it will pingpong the 14 
> messages with IPU1 on the Debian build as shown on the TI IPC examples..
> This is just a baby step, but it maybe of interest to someone...
> Built the entire ex02_message example under TI SDK RTOS
> SCP'ed IPU1 build under example02 on TI SDK to the latest Debian BB-X15 
> image on target.
> beagle:/lib/firmware  ln -s /home/debian/ipc-starter/server_ipu1.xem4 
> dra7-ipu1-fw.xem4
>  echo 58820000.ipu > unbind
>    96  dmesg|grep remote
>    97  echo 58820000.ipu > bind
>    98  dmesg|grep remote
> [16120.924223] remoteproc remoteproc0: stopped remote processor 
> 58820000.ipu
> [16120.924561] remoteproc remoteproc0: releasing 58820000.ipu
> [16140.961256] remoteproc remoteproc0: 58820000.ipu is available
> [16140.969895] remoteproc remoteproc0: powering up 58820000.ipu
> [16140.969921] remoteproc remoteproc0: Booting fw image dra7-ipu1-fw.xem4, 
> size 3984688
> [16140.989530] remoteproc remoteproc0: registered virtio0 (type 7)
> [16140.989540] remoteproc remoteproc0: remote processor 58820000.ipu is 
> now up
> Anyhow, lots more things to try!!  If I'm able to root out configuration 
> errors that are obvious to me, I'll do so and post up here and on E2E (and 
> maybe other places) when I'm stuck..
> Let me know if you have any advice or want me to try anything!
> Jeff
> On Monday, February 15, 2021 at 2:23:34 PM UTC-5 lazarman wrote:
> Hi Jeff its not easy to find and is confusing 
> I have bought many boards and found out they did not do what I hoped 
> I have an update BBAI is supported that is very  good news the EVM is $600
> Be aware that BBAI rev A1 I think needs a mod for JTAG
> Just to be clear I am not a linux expert so it appears all cores are 
> supported and the Linux on Host ARM is SDK version it may night support all 
> the bells Debian has for device drivers 
> I have many years using DSP/BIOS and CCS and JTAG at board support level 
> not Linux apps
> Theres a lot of tools here and RTOS and dual cores isnt something you pick 
> up over night
> Pleny of good tutorials On learning TI RTOS using CCS and JTAG for a DSP 
> application its really complex for a beginner and throw in MPUs and Cache 
> and threads and 6 cores you really could spend a month learning tools alone
> In all fairness a single core AM35X is simpler the beauty is TI has gel 
> scripts to handle all cores and load code internally until MPU is set up 
> for quick and simple apps on ARM and fast learning and low cost the 
> Debian/Beagle approach is probally better its pretty obvious I am RTOS fan 
> (-:
> TI has world class tools and good documents
> I cant help anyone that insists on mixing the Debian on ARM with TI RTOS 
> on DSP I'm not qualified it may be possible
> Looks like I was also wrong about omap l138 support for SDK the docs are 
> confusing so maybe I buy a BBAI its cheaper than the EVM and play around I 
> miss work I took care of mom 3 years she passed away October so I apologize 
> at times Im grouchy
> Hopefully I helped someone that feels good as well Im excited reading 
> these docs so maybe I make a come back!!!
>  and find some work
> Regards
> The SDK includes a real-time multitasking kernel, FAT file system, network 
> communications support, examples, and drivers. The exact content of the SDK 
> depends on the capabilities of the device, but all devices share common 
> APIs and build on existing proven software components to ensure reliability 
> and quality. The software components are fully tested to ensure that they 
> work together with TI’s Code Composer Studio integrated development 
> environment.
> Supported Platforms
> <>
> Platform Supported Devices Supported EVMs
> AM57x <> AM5728 
> <>, AM5726 
> <>, AM5729 
> <>, AM5718 
> <>, AM5716 
> <>, AM5708 
> <>, AM5706 
> <>, AM5748 
> <>, AM5746 
> <>, AM5749 
> <> AM572x EVM (TMDSEVM572X 
> <>),
> AM572x Industrial Development Kit (TMDXIDK5728 
> <>),
> AM571x Industrial Development Kit (TMDXIDK5718 
> <>),
> AM574x Industrial Development Kit (TMDSIDK574 
> <>),
> AM5729 Industrial Development Kit (TMDSIDK572 
> <>),
> Beaglebone AI <>
> BeagleBone® AI AM5729 development board for embedded Artificial Intellig...
> <strong>What is BeagleBone® AI?</strong> <p>Built on the proven 
>® open source Linux approach, Bea...
> On Monday, February 15, 2021, 11:52:18 AM CST, Jeff Andich <
>> wrote: 
> Thanks Mark for providing us all this!  
> I tried starting to port one of the main examples from TI RTOS SDK into 
> the latest Beagleboard-X15 images this weekend. Built the IPC example under 
> the link you posted yesterday.  Scp'd server_dsp1.xe66 to the SD card and 
> then linked to it, and attempted to load.
> It looks like it started to load but then complained that the resource 
> table is not found.  I have lots more homework to do..
> My plan dejour is to try to see how far I can get with that example on BB 
> Debian and TI SDK Linux.
> I do plan to develop the DSP application with CCS and JTAG, and deploy it 
> using remoteproc from Linux once it's debugged.
> Don't know if there are currently any Linux tools for debugging the other 
> cores.
> But at this point I'm not sure where this will all lead..
> But it sounds like there's an appetite within the Beagle community to get 
> this tested and working...  My guess is the more applications that can 
> access the other processors on the SOC, the merrier for and TI..
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2021, 12:34 PM Mark Lazarewicz <> wrote:
> Looks like good examples here .I also saw M4 example on github.
>  Dont see any documents on using Debian Linux and DSP Why? 
> and wonder if that OS will supply tools to get the DSP executable 
> transferred in correct format
> Cant even imagine debugging this with printf LOL and no jtag
> The DSP has to be taken out of rest when  running linux
>  Its documented here below why in the world someone would not use CCS and 
> JTAG? and expect to run IPC on 6 core chip with no documents is beyond me. 
> Any commercial customer would never accept being stonewalled by a vendor
> Perhaps Debain/Beagle is for hobbyists only I  dont know 
> And for Dimtry GCC is supported 
> 10.1. Target — Processor SDK RTOS Documentation 
> <>
> 10.1. Target — Processor SDK RTOS Documentation
> <>
> The following examples demonstrate some of the rudimentary IPC 
> capabilities. They are mostly two processors examples. These examples may 
> be built for any two processors on your device, but only for two at a time. 
> An IPC Ping example using three processors is also presented at the end.
> Why?
> On Monday, February 15, 2021, 09:41:20 AM CST, 'Mark Lazarewicz' via 
> BeagleBoard <> wrote: 
> OpenVX,cmem,PRU and remote proc support today
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
> <>
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 8:14 AM,
> <> wrote:
> I think I have a similar question in that I'm hoping to develop an 
> application (as much of a software defined radio application as I can cram 
> into this platform) which utilizes the C66 DSP's on the BB-X15.  I'm trying 
> to converge on a process for developing a TI RTOS application for the C66's 
> on the BB-X15 which is compatible with the BB Debian distro running on the 
> A15's.  More on this later, hopefully.  
> I imagine you've already stumbled upon the following, but it seems like a 
> good starting point.     
> Also google all of the examples on of PRU applications .  My guess is that 
> may also shed some light on how to develop and debug code for the other 
> processors on the Sitara SOC of interest.  
> I just received a USB100V2 JTAG cable, and I hope to start hacking on this 
> on my BB-X15 in my spare time. I have a lot of questions on how this works, 
> and I will post up when I think I have something worthwhile or relevant..  
> Also, please post up as you make progress as I imagine there are others 
> wanting guidance on developing applications on the other processors on the 
> SOC and interfacing Linux to them.  There's not a lot of postings on the 
> C66 or M4..
> On Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 8:21:36 AM UTC-5 
> wrote:
> Hi
> I and another student have been tasked with exploring ways to develop for 
> the M4 processor using BBAI. We've had difficulty finding a good debug 
> setup, preferably one where you could step through instructions in the M4 
> processors. 
> Could anyone point us towards whats worth looking in to? 
> Regards, Fredrik Eriksson 
> -- 
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