On Sat, Feb 4, 2023 at 7:46 AM Daniele Nicolodi <dani...@grinta.net> wrote:

> On 04/02/23 12:24, Chary Chary wrote:
> > Dan,
> >
> > OK, thanks. But just some clarification.
> >
> >
> > If I look at the following  simple Transaction:
> >
> > 2000-01-02 * "Buying something in Euro"
> >      Assets:NL:ING:Payment               -100 EUR
> >      Expenses:Misc                                100 EUR
> >
> > Then does it have position or not?
> Transactions do not have positions. Transactions contain postings. Each
> posting has an account and a position (although they are not spelled out
> like that in the data structure, see below).

That's right.
A position is roughly (units, cost-basis)
A posting is roughly position + (account, price)
In inventories we track positions (potentially across accounts)
Price is only used for conversions within the transactions.
So when accumulating postings, account and price can be dropped, thus

I'm sure there are many other ways to design data structures for
aggregation but that's what I chose at the time.

> I can see *tarnsaction, postings*, *units*, but I do not see a *position*
> >
> > However if I use beanquery, then beanquery does see the position:
> There is not alway a 1:1 mapping between the Beancount data model and
> the tables definitions used by beanquery. In this case, the 'position'
> column is obtained from the units and cost fields in the Posting object.

> https://github.com/beancount/beanquery/blob/f224aa8161495b9fddb7c7f712e5103b8b8b59e3/beanquery/query_env.py#L1054-L1058
> I don't know why it was chosen to have a 'position' column but not an
> 'amount' column in beanquery. Most likely because a position without a
> cost is pretty much equivalent to an amount from a beanquery point of view.

Which amount?
There's a units amount, but a position can be reduced to its cost amount by
applying the cost basis to its units.
You can either
- aggregate the positions and then reduce to cost, or
- reduce all positions to their cost amount and then aggregate them
I think both work.

select parent(account), cost(sum(position)) ...
select parent(account), sum(cost(position)) ...

> > So, the position here is  100    EUR,  however in Python data structure,
> > it does not have a cost, which is, per your definition, is not a
> position.
> >
> > So, once again, what is the definition of a *position *then?
> I forgot an "optional" in the definition of Position:
> A Position is an Amount with attached an /optional/ Cost specification
> I think
> https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_query_language.html#data-types
> does quite good job in explaining the data types used in BQL and what
> they represent.

Eventually I'll document those from a public API perspective, e.g. in v3
there is
In v3 it will be nice to break out the booking into its individual parts
and let users play with those with an import like

  import beancount as bn
  inv = bn.Inventory(...)

> Cheers,
> Dan
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