Many thanks for your response. My comments are below:

   AFAIK, Beancount doesn’t support timestamps 
   Please correct me if this is out of date.
I think you are right. What Martin proposed in this posting 
<> ("Here's 
what I could do for you...") was only a workaround. He would include the 
possibility of timestamps in the parser only. However, the timestamp part 
wouldn't be used downstream in any way. The timestamp would be recorded in 
a custom field and any further processing of its value would be left to the 
user possibly through plugins. I read somewhere else, though, that the full 
timestamp (date+time) is to be implemented in v.3.

   With the change you made to ofxreader, it ends up emitting a datetime 
   instead of a date, which would break with anything downstream that expects 
   a date (and correctly so). Instead of making this change, you'd have to 
   root cause the issue and resolve it correctly. If you need help, feel free 
   to post a test case and a stack trace and I'll take a look when I'm able
The funny thing is that the error message actually disappeared (from 
reds_importers modules) after I made the change (and re-emerged in 
smart_importer modules). I thought: if instead of a date, I input a 
datetime in the beancount file, python won't complain anymore, since it 
will be comparing datetime to datetime now. I am by no means a developer or 
hacker and that was just a guess. I'll try to update to the unreleased 
version, as you suggest below and see if the issue gets solved. Do you mean 
the latest unreleased version of beancount (v.2) or 
beancount_reds_importers? Could you point me to how to install an 
unreleased version? Is it the pip install +git... method?



   Are you using the latest, (unreleased) commit with 
   beancount_reds_importers? If not, please try that out first, it fixes a 
   related issue

On Monday, February 19, 2024 at 6:27:15 AM UTC-8 wrote:


I'm taking up beancount again after some 2 years away from it. My biggest 
difficulty had then been importing bank and brokers' statements to 
beancount. I was getting the best results with (modified) reds_importers + 
smart_importer, which came to work reasonably well. But I'm realizing that 
retaking from where I left off will not be as simple as I wished.

I'm getting the error in the subject line. I suppose this error was 
introduced for two reasons (please confirm):

1) Martin, at some point, agreed to include, not only date, but also time 
of transactions, according to requests from users interested in daytrading 
(which I am too, and welcomed his decision). Martin didn't see then any 
reason why this would cause inconsistencies in beancount. I don't remember 
it causing any issues with reds_importers, fava, smart_importer either.

2) Some later python release made the comparison between and 
datetime.datetime incompatible. This comparison is needed in the 
chronological ordering of transactions.

I first got this error in reds_importers and think I managed to fix it by 
making the simple change in


            date = max(ot.tradeDate if hasattr(ot, 'tradeDate') else
                       for ot in self.get_transactions()).date()  


            date = max(ot.tradeDate if hasattr(ot, 'tradeDate') else
                       for ot in self.get_transactions())

But then I started getting the same error message from smart_importer, 
which makes me think I should be better to avoid the python version update 
that made date and datetime incomparable.

Any suggestions? Which python version is the latest that doesn't cause this 
kind of error? Has anyone else encountered these issues? I searched the 
forum and the internet and didn't find anything.



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